Dues are $100 annually. (Voted on by members at AGM 2023.)

We are pleased to announce that we can now accept payment by e-transfer.  Please make your payment to horseshoecrotchlakepoa@gmail.com Please include your name, lot # and/or your lake address in the memo section.

Important: You must choose a Question and Answer/Password to allow the HCLPOA to complete your e-transfer. Please send your e-transfer ANSWER/PASSWORD in an email to horseshoecrotchlakepoa@gmail.com  If you have any questions, please contact us

All credit card payments are processed securely using Stripe. You can read the Stripe privacy policy here.  For more information about our secure payment system, you can find Stripes Security policy here. 

  • You will receive an e-mail receipt at this address.
  • Please enter the amount you are paying. This can be a partial or full amount.
    This option will auto-renew your association fees each year. You will be required to contact us if you card is expired or if you wish to cancel your auto-renewal. Please note, you should only use this option if you are paying your full association dues.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.