AGM Date: July 20, 2024 10:00 AM (Rain Date July 21)

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It’s AGM Time HCLPOA Members! 

Our 2024 Annual General Meeting is Saturday, July 20 2024 at 10:00 AM at the Boat Launch. Rain Date is Sunday, July 21, same time and place. We look forward to reporting on all the exciting work that has been going on over the last year to keep our little piece of paradise safe and accessible. And we have important business to conduct including a vote for acceptance of a new set of government mandated bylaws and the election of our directors for the next term.

A reminder: in order to VOTE at the meeting, Members must be in good-standing through the payment of their annual dues ($100) before the AGM commences.

We now have E-transfer!  You can make your transfer to 

… Please include your name, lot # and/or your lake address in the memo section. You must choose a Question and Answer/Password to allow the HCLPOA to complete your e-transfer. Please send your e-transfer ANSWER/PASSWORD in an email to 

Or visit and follow the [Pay Online] button to pay by Credit Card. Cash or Cheque will also be accepted at the AGM…

ELECTION: Your Volunteer Director Candidates for 2024 – 2025/26 Term

On adoption of the new bylaws at this year’s AGM, a term of service and a new election format for HCLPOA Board Member Directors will begin. Board Member candidates will run for two-year terms. In order to provide some con(nuity and overlap in this first year, half of the board candidates will run for a one-year term and half for a two-year term. In all subsequent years those candidates who are up for reelection based on their term in office, or candidates filling an existing position will run for a two-year term or for the remainder of the term of the board member spot they would be filling.

Your neighbour volunteer candidates for Director on the HCLPOA board are…

One-year term – (Tom Greenis*) (Dock), Doug Rutherford (Treasurer), Sil Jacobs, Neil Maxwell, Geoff Michie

Two-year term – David Sparrow (President), Amanda Groves, Dave Johnson (Roads), Robert Paul (Water), Jennifer McEachern (Secretary)

*Tom Greenis, having kindly served on the board for many years, is looking for a lake access property owner to take over the DOCK STEWARD position on the HCLPOA. **At present, no one between the ages of 15 and 25 has expressed interest in the YOUTH MEMBER AT LARGE position.

NOTE: Any Member in Good Standing can put themselves forward for a position on the Board. Simply email David Sparrow – President at with notice of your intent to run before the AGM.

Stuff to Sell??? Glenda Baker will be managing a “Yard Sale” Table at the AGM. Small items can be brought to the AGM to sell to neighbours, while Notices (Ads) for larger items can be posted on the table for interested purchasers to follow up on.

Make Yourself Comfortable: Please bring a chair, bottled water and sunscreen as necessary. See you at the AGM!!

Thanks, we look forward to seeing you at the AGM!

Your HCLPOA Executive

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